Sound & Groove: "California On My Mind" Part 1
The criminally little-known but influential Los Angeles-based outfit X, which put out several tremendous albums in the first half of the 80s with a sound that may have been dubbed punk at the outset but showed a unique sense of melody, vocal harmony and cohesion missing from most music in the genre or the L.A. punk territory in general. Though they'd slowly veer toward a brighter, more rockabilly "cowpunk" type of sound before their first split as a group in 1986, X would endure as one of the truly original groups of that scene
This is the 1st official podcast episode of 2019 here on the Sound & Groove Podcast. It’s the 1st in a 2-part theme on songs about California. It could be about somewhere, something or some aspect of the Golden Coast state but whatever the case, I've chosen the best for these 2 episodes. It's all fair game for another series of tremendous tunes you'll hopefully enjoy.
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