The Liberal Big Brother Is Watching-- And He Think's You're Hopeless.
The never-ending quest to fulminate outrage in the United States of Bernie Sanders has many iterations. The most baffling, to Canadians at least, is the concept that showing photo ID before voting is all just a racist plot to suppress the black vote.
In an Esquire piece by Charles P. Pierce entitled “North Carolina's Voting Laws Are Conspicuously Suppressing the Vote”, Pierce blames a George W. Bush-appointed judge for upholding a law that, he says, represses the black vote in the“consistently insane state of North Carolina”. All to solve “a virtually non-existent` problem”, claims Pierce.
“For Canadians who have used photo ID in elections, this outrage may come as a surprise. But the patrician attitudes of white Northeast U.S. liberals like Pierce in “protecting” rights of blacks or women or transgendered are essential to maintain their positions as the well-funded advance troops of enlightenment in the media.”
How was this insanity cultivated? By making citizens wear a yellow star? By holding elections in secret locations? By having militias beat up anyone voting the wrong way? Of course not. Pierce’s monumental grievance is the insistence that citizens produce an approved form of photo ID to vote in state elections. He cites tales of bureaucratic incompetence in recent elections to buttress his case.
Pierce then applies the progressive conceit that it’s somehow harder for blacks to obtain a driver’s license or passport— the same IDs required to legally purchase liquor, beer or tobacco in the state. While Pierce alleges voting numbers from blacks don’t seem proportionate to their population in North Carolina, similar declines are not reported in the purchase of these products requiring photo ID.
For Canadians who have used photo ID in elections, this outrage may come as a surprise. But the patrician attitudes of white Northeast U.S. liberals like Pierce in “protecting” rights of blacks or women or transgendered are essential to maintain their positions as the well-funded advance troops of enlightenment in the media.
Pierce is particularly virulent about the judge saying that perhaps North Carolina has made progress in race relations the past quarter century. “The conservative movement has worked hard to salt the federal judiciary with people who believe that government has done all it can in the fight against institutional racism, and that the fight itself was won decades ago, and that the country never backslides once it has achieved progress.”
Backsliding that only eagle-eyed savants like Pierce can discern.It’s imperative for liberals that every day remains Selma in 1963. Pierce and his fellow justice riders (like the current president) can concede no progress in the Holy War. Their condescending treatment of blacks—who supposedly have problems filling in simple forms or having their ID photos taken— requires the pot keep boiling.
Anyone who knows the real history of blacks in North America, the heroism and accomplishment, knows the community is anything but weak or lacking courage. But the Pierces want them to believe they’re incapable of progress so long as whites hold sway—so hapless that they can’t follow the voting laws followed by everyone else in their state. Fed for decades with a sense of futility and resignation, blacks vote in Saddam Hussein-like pluralities for Democrats. They are then are briskly consigned again to the dead-end gulags of the social welfare welfare system introduced in the 1960s.
The Alinskymodel— no crisis should go unexploited—works the same way on women’s issues. First, a crisis is created. Say, the campus-rape construct that holds that college sexual-assault figures calculated by devoted researchers and their “safe-space” zealots are somehow ten times the levels in the general community. (Sexual “assaults” apparently now include bad dates, unwarranted hand holding and untoward glances.)
In this way, women are infantilized as creatures needing government social assistance to protect themselves from the Big Bad World of horny male students. The vapid pundits of The View fall in line with the approved talking points— such as Hillary Clinton’s notion that female accusers “deserved to be believed.” Next thing you know you have fabricated rape stories in Rolling Stone about college fraternities drenched with rape.
Anyone who has witnessed a woman giving birth or herding three young kids on a city bus or proudly seeing her child through college knows that the enervated women of Pierce’s vision are a crock. But tough and resourceful women are immune to government’s helping hand of food stamps, welfare and paternalism. So progressives create the paradigm of helpless womanhood beneath the boot heel of white male privilege. Rape crises. Birth control denied.
The latest shock troops in the progressive push are those “identifying” with alternate lifestyles. Using the Bruce/ Caitlyn Jenner model (shh, Jenner’s a Republican), the Pierce intellectuals want to allow individuals, not the community, to decide where they wish to pee or shower. Biology is out. Self identifying is in.
Those states resisting a concept that just two years ago was considered beyond the pale are being pilloried by Big Entertainment figures like Bruce Springsteen and cowed business head offices. Even if the states win these debates the price of victory becomes too onerous and the result is the self-censorship we see at ESPN where a former MLB star, Curt Shilling, was fired for dissenting on the party line about self identifying.
Naturally, those with gender identity issues are told their security depends on Big Brother who orchestrated the shakedown of states. Only Big Gov can save them from the Trumpian rabble.
Pierce’s screed concludes that “ these (North Carolina) judges also appear completely oblivious to how most people—and especially, most poor people—actually exist in the world.” No. First, the judges actually live in North Carolina, Pierce doesn’t. The judges also live in the world that was normal two years ago, not in the fever ships of then progressive mind where the world must turn over every 18 months.
They don’t subscribe to Pierce’s progressive vision of an Oz that treats its subjects like rubes and children. The world of a Bernie Sanders speech, the world of redistribution and class envy that results in Venezuela (
Bruce Dowbiggin @dowbboy
Bruce's career is unmatched in Canada for its diversity and breadth of experience with successful stints in television, radio and print. A two-time winner of the Gemini Award as Canada's top television sports broadcaster, he is also the best-selling author of seven books. He was a featured columnist for the Calgary Herald (1998-2009) and the Globe & Mail (2009-2013).