Fauci: Stuck Inside of Wuhan With The Covid Blues Again
Have you noticed the rigorous reporting by the Media Party on even the most remote case of Covid-19 transmission in young people— even when these unicorns represents a minute fraction of deadly cases? To justify masks/ lockdowns, “No one can be safe from the virus”.
But the same florid scribblers have launched a fatwa against anyone daring to suggest that thousands might have died following Covid vaccinations. In this case, fractions are not hard-hitting journalism anymore but irresponsible tinfoil-hat murder. “You’re endangering society”.
So which is it? The reason for the double standard, need you be told, is that the Media Party is hopelessly compromised by its political biases. Namely, there are only three people to blame for the SARS CO-V2 outbreak. Trump. Ford. Kenney. We will let you figure out the link.
The latest dust-up between the protectors of the faith and sceptics comes from a piece authored by veteran science journalist Nicholas Wade, formerly science editor at the New York Times, which catalogues the treacherous path of the origins of the SARS CO-V2 virus. “For 20 years, mostly beneath the public’s attention, scientists, researchers and funding groups had been playing a dangerous game,” he says.
Did SARS CO-V2 emerge naturally from animals-to-humans or did it leap from a lab in Wuhan China to kill three million worldwide? There is enough science-y talk to choke a yak in the piece, but Wade makes the conflicts and contradictions largely understandable.
“The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the (Wuhan lab) became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses.” But it’s clear that curiosity has not got the better of most reporters wedded to Trump Did It.
The notion of an accidental lab leak has been pilloried by the establishment media and a number of health experts— with little critical reporting on their conflicts of interest beneath the surface. Virologists in the United States and Europe have had no great interest in igniting a public debate about experiments that their community has been pursuing for years.
This despite the U.S. State Department saying there is plenty of evidence that SARS CO-V2 virus is different from MERS and SARS, previous viruses that broke into general populations.
Wade says bad science and biased reporting worked hand-in-hand. “During the Trump Administration, they had no trouble in rejecting the position of the intelligence services that lab escape could not be ruled out. But when Avril Haines, President Biden’s director of National Intelligence, said the same thing, she too was largely ignored. This is not to argue that editors should have endorsed the lab-escape scenario, merely that they should have explored the possibility fully and fairly.”
Any conventional media that did choose to challenge the orthodoxy on escape/ no escape got little help from the white coats responsible for experimenting with enhancements of viral capabilities— known as gain-of-function experiments. Wade says they don’t want anyone looking too closely at what they’re doing with bats and camels and other Dr. Frankenstein life forms.
“Government research funds are distributed on the advice of committees of scientific experts drawn from universities. Anyone who rocks the boat by raising awkward political issues runs the risk that their grant will not be renewed and their research career will be ended.”
So the furious denials by scientists implicated in this viral casino went largely unchallenged by the migration of much of the media toward the left of the political spectrum. “Because President Trump said the virus had escaped from a Wuhan lab, editors gave the idea little credence,” writes Wade.
Speaking of funding, Wade’s other Gotcha! involves the funding of the research in the Wuhan lab by the U.S. government. One of the persons funnelling research bucks to the Chinese (employing a loophole to get around previous bans) is none other than everyone’s favourite virologist Dr. Anthony Fauci, longtime director of the NIAID.
According to Dr. Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, Fauci and NIH director Dr. Francis Collins “exploited (a) loophole to issue exemptions to projects subject to the Pause –-preposterously asserting the exempted research was ‘urgently necessary to protect public health or national security’.”
While mainstream media— who lionized Fauci for his Trump battles— bought the “nothing to see here” line, FOX News host Tucker Carlson roared in to ask why Fauci was not being investigated. In his typically subtle approach, Carlson wants Fauci in leg irons. (During a Congressional hearing this week, Fauci strenuously denied any causative link to the funding, insisting— against Wade’s documented evidence— that he did not fund gain-of-function experiments.)
The Wuhan mystery is hardly unique in the opaque coverage of Covid-19. In Canada’s slack-jawed media, one of the cherished tools of reporting is the daily litany of positive PCR tests— which media conflate into “cases”, as if death or serious illness were imminent. The melodrama of peaking test numbers has convinced Canadian officials to institute yet another series of brutal lockdowns— even as the U.S. opens up.
This reflex cure comes despite continual reporting that PCR tests are deceptive at best, useless at worst. For instance this week Manitoba’s chief microbiologist and laboratory specialist Dr. Jared Bullard told a committee that “only 44 percent of positive PCR test results would actually grow in the lab.”
Ergo, 56 percent of positives will neither make the patient sick nor allow him/ her to transmit the disease. Imagine what a news story it would if we learned that 4,073 of the seven-day average of 7,276 positive daily Canadian tests were statistically irrelevant.
But you can’t shut down golf courses and daycares with news like that, can you? Which is why CBC/ CTV/ Global and the other members of the Covid Choir continue to give PCR tests credence as the coin of the realm. And why the prime minister continues his dream walk toward re-election.
UPDATE: Maybe this will change things. "There is not a single documented Covid-19 infection anywhere in the world from casual outdoor interactions, such as walking past someone on a street or eating at a nearby table." @nytimes tosses in the towel, admits 15 months late that outdoor transmission of #COVID19 is a crock.
"CDC's claim "that less than 10%" of transmission comes from being outdoors is "almost certainly misleading… Outdoor transmission "seems to be below 1 percent and may be below 0.1 percent.” It’s a start.
Bruce Dowbiggin @dowbboy is the editor of Not The Public Broadcaster (http://www.notthepublicbroadcaster.com). The best-selling author of Cap In Hand is also a regular contributor to Sirius XM Canada Talks Ch. 167. A two-time winner of the Gemini Award as Canada's top television sports broadcaster, his new book Personal Account with Tony Comper is now available on http://brucedowbigginbooks.ca/book-personalaccount.aspx