In the Covid-19 crisis the West has sought a vaccine-powered happy ending where everyone goes to heaven but no one dies. As we see now, a more realistic end game— that conceded some death and hardship— was needed for a satisfactory ending. What produced the former and actively suppressed the latter was China.
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“So please, people, do not make up stories about residential school children being put in unmarked graves. No such thing ever happened.” Trudeau ignored this plea to underline the message he’d been pitching for years to the international community: Canada had executed a genocide on the native peoples of Canada. His nation was inherently evil.
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The writ has dropped and Canadians now have the head-to-head matchup they’ve wanted. Conservative Party of Canada leader Erin O’Toole versus Jerry Dias, president of Unifor, Canada’s largest private union that includes everything from auto workers to TV workers. Expect fireworks.
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This climate double-dose will be levered as truth serum against the hapless Tory leader Erin O’Toole whose job it is to tell Canadians (in the words of René Levesque) to “take a valium” on climate. Fat chance Facebook’s twenty-something censors ever let him challenge their sacred climate doctrines.
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The Covid fear crowd has no intention of surrendering easily— or admitting the terrible damage they’ve inflicted by their draconian societal controls. All because they won’t answer a simple question: How much is too much?
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Where does the latest Covid-19 flip-flop leave the hundreds of millions who were led to believe that vaccines were the end goal, the secret sauce to end the pandemic? And how in good conscience can they continue the barrage attack on those who decline the vaccines so far? In a week of imponderables this might be the most perplexing. How does a society do this to itself? And who now has authority to speak for the public?
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What makes Trudeau’s globalist hobby truly frightening— more so that the 1960s push for world government— is the capitulation of critical opinion in the wake of Covid-19. The weaponization of censorship and the policing of thought is being used to intimidate anyone dissenting from the loony orthodoxies proposed by the letter’s signatories. And its brazen goal of having taxpayers foot the bill for his diplomatic chef d’oeuvre
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Segments of society try to convince themselves that this will blow over, that it violates both the Constitution and the Civil Rights Act of 1964— and a friendly judge will right the wrongs. Just as Trump followed Obama someone friendly to business will succeed Joe Biden or Justin Trudeau. Wait till the midterms. Fat chance. Michelle Obama led the HR takeover of corporate America, and no CEO is willing to oppose that tide. Enjoy your guilt.
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McKenna was one of many alleged Liberal “feminists” who stood mute while their male boss publicly humiliated and fired Jodie Wilson Raybould and Jane Philpott from the cabinet. She protected her own jet-setting climate sinecure by biting her tongue on a fellow woman. There were no CBC “barrage of online hate” or “target of sexist attacks” lick jobs for Raybould. Just female cabinet ministers calling her a grifter for defying Skippy the Wonder PM.
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There are those who believe that reporters should only tailor stories to suit the current zeitgeist created by “discovering” residential school burial grounds. Sorry, media don’t have the latitude to join SJW parades or Don Cherry fan clubs. The responsibility of a free press is to educate the public to the issues, balance the arguments and restore historical perspective.
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Could it be that, with Trump muzzled and Biden/ Kamala floundering, aging liberals like Jon Stewart now realize they’ve lost control of their fellow travellers in the Democratic Party? Have they become useful idiots to the radicals?
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The gadabout PM beloved by the Star says Canadians are a people born of genocide against (checks his notes) the native peoples. One of the few people who actually did oppress native peoples was Justin’s Papa Pierre, who fashioned a disastrous welfare state for natives. But in the sombre-reflection game responsibility instead falls on the white populace who had nothing to do with the policies of a string of Liberal PMs, crowned by Daddy Trudeau and his successor Jean Chretien.
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Perhaps it’s appropriate on the anniversary week of Wendy Mesley being shivved by the knowledge Stasi at CBC that radicals overturned a statue of Egerton Ryerson at the school that bears his name— a school that features one of the most prominent journalism schools in the country. If anything announced the coming reality in today’s newsrooms it was probably the sudden demise of a liberal CBC star, pitched overboard for her use of of a word in a story meeting while warning about a radical guest’s use of the same word.
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Canadians waiting endlessly for vaccines are realizing that their system is based on rationing. Not compassion or SJW virtue. People who saw Trudeau print money thought he could make vaccines and masks with the same thoroughness. Many paid with their health and their lives. Take a bow, Mr. Butts. Your lawn signs look magnificent.
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Even for those who’ve only been away a decade, Canada will be unrecognizable. The cultural drift of government, media, entertainment and even education being practiced at the federal, provincial and local level has made Russell Peters’ fond memories a postcard from your grandma. It’s not Mr. Dressup any longer.
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The many failures of the expert class since February 2020 only seems to have heightened the devotion of expert worshippers in their priests of technology. The worse it gets the more fanatical the devotion. The inventive geniuses of the Victorian age would find it all a little absurd.
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“Because President Trump said the virus had escaped from a Wuhan lab, editors gave the idea little credence.” The reason for the double standard in reporting Covid-19’s origins? The Media Party is hopelessly compromised by its political biases. Namely, there are only three people to blame for the SARS CO-V2 outbreak. Trump. Ford. Kenney. We will let you figure out the link.
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Any warning system is only as good as the people operating it. Years of study, preparation and research are useless if the people at the receiving end panic and ignore the data. What is most stunning in these cases is the inability of these experts to face evidence of their own folly. And that is takeaway from the Covid-19 catastrophe.
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Once, comedians were the last line of defence against political sanctimony. Lenny Bruce. Richard Pryor.Dave Chapelle. Larry David. Their acid observations on humans took the self importance out of many public figures. Now, people who make their livings as comedians must either adhere to the catechism of correctness or be cancelled between shows.
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The federal Liberals— having time on their hands with, apparently, no vaccines to distribute— have decided that the people who brought you the Covid-19 catastrophe are the ones to decide what is permissible on the Internet. So they’re introducing a bill to promote “content moderation”
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