Most people know Rob as one of the country’s top music promoters for more than 35 years. From James Taylor to Robin Williams to Raffi to Bonnie Raitt my pal knew them all. One night he even threw snowballs with Bruce Springsteen atop Mount Royal . My own memories of the man are more personal.
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We got approved messaging this week from the Ottawa consultant class that examining in-depth how the PM and provincial premiers cratered democracy is a loser in the next federal election. We are told the public has no appetite for exposing the politicians and bureaucrats. Move on, we are told. They want other shiny objects.
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As has been noted before, justice must not just be done, it must be seen to be done. And this patch-up job excusing a high-handed episode will reverberate for generations as leaders grasp at a life preserver to crush opponents’ rights and liberties. It was a decision to send a chill down the back of any civil libertarian.
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It was hoped that the gross overreach in the Emergency Measures from this time last year might have swayed Mr. Trudeau and his faculty lounge of compliant stooges from another attempt at locking down more of what was once a liberal, free society. Guess again. Like all good party members and fellow travellers Trudeau’s constituency is elsewhere, not in Canada.
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Guess which Canadian political leader is not having his statue toppled, his likeness removed from schools and his reputation sullied? That would be Justin’s daddy Pierre Trudeau. As PM in 1968 he proposed in a white paper to eliminate native status and turn indigenous people into ordinary Canadians, thereby abrogating all the treaties they’d signed in good faith with the Crown.
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Not to be outdone by the NAC, Toronto’s Theatre Passe Muraille has its own Black Out Nights when even those willing to absorb the turgid agitprop onstage may not enter if they are un-black. Should someone wish to “self identify” as black they must undergo a gauntlet of staffers who will instruct them in the proper right-think.
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Free speech and freedom of movement are being subordinated to elite cadres of the unelected State in public and private spheres. Digital ID that would have made Erik Honeker jealous is being pushed by Canada’s PM. People who wish to express opinions or dissent with the ruling class must pass through a Checkpoint Charlie gauntlet of apprehended disloyalty and suspected subversion.
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You could tell just how vexing the dilemma was by the fact that Notley took 15 days to respond to Trudeau’s provocation. She had to find the right line— in the right time— to make room for herself between the PM and the premier. Room the Alberta voters— particularly the women’s vote in Calgary— are comfortable voting for.
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Overall, males kill themselves at rates that are four times higher than females begs (approximately 30,000 people commit suicide each year in the U.S. and 80 percent were men.) With the advent of legal MAID the numbers are likely to grow exponentially.
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The restored health of Buffalo Bill DB Damar Hamlin will be one positive outcome of this frightening incident. The second might be the restoration of active public debate on healthcare. Both are to be celebrated.
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It takes a lot to toss aside a third year of Covid, a threat of nuclear war in Ukraine and the death of Queen Elizabeth II in the consideration for top news story of 2022 at Usual Suspects. But one should never underestimate the ability of Justin Trudeau to hog a spotlight.
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As 2022 flickers let us resolve to clarify the language and, by doing so, clarify the culture. There’s lots to unpack here. In fact, let’s pack “lots to unpack” off to oblivion as our first assignment in 2023. There is plenty more Newspeak to toss out.
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Liberals know that, fundamentally, their urban base that determines federal elections doesn’t give a flip about much that happens beyond their driveways or their condo elevator shaft. Their homes are cash boxes. The high-handed Covid restrictions were seen as cleansing exercises. The Leafs are winning. $32 B CRA over payments? Yawn.
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The runaway freight train that is liberalism the past decade has come to affect virtually every part of life. Now the moveable goal posts have come to impact death, too. As usual, the best intentions of cozy liberals have become an ugly bureaucratic beast.
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He saw panic, he’d looked it in the eye, and now he was “serene”. He also knows that in in the contemporary “Victims ‘R Us” culture he can get away with anything he damn well pleases if it creates panic. Hell, he’d called Canadians genocidal at the UN, and no one flinched
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The steep decline in the North American birthrate since the 2008 global recession will have a significant impact on the future of K-12 and post-secondary education. The two-decade delay in demographics dating to 2008 means society is entering a fallow period that will require fewer schools, fewer teachers, fewer administrators.
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As Chappelle has noted, for all their failings the Trump base sees the world as it is. The progressive left sees a world as they wish it to be. Eventually they are going to collide.
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Republicans are now left with the scenario none of them wants. The Mara Lago whale Donald Trump— whose wonky endorsements in the midterms face-planted in several important races— stands as GOP kingmaker. He believes he has the road open to a 2024 presidential nomination. The only thing standing in his way will be fellow Floridian DeSantis. Their clash— if DeSantis is willing— promises to be bloody. And highly entertaining for DEMs.
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Ross McKitrick sees a silver lining as the proof for Climate Change is put to the test. “We’re going to get to 2030, and people will have seen the price that they paid for climate policy, they will have experienced the harm, experienced these winters that we’re in for. And 2030 will come, and we won’t have experienced climate Armageddon.”
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We have been trying to figure out the fatal flaw in the approaches of new Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre and new Albert premier Danielle Smith. From the amount of abuse being thrown at the pair you’d think they were a Van Gogh painting. They must be dong something terribly wrong.
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